Don't want to argue who's suffering more, the big shops or the small one.
But nonetheless, I feel like a passive actor in a gay porno...

Le 17/03/2014 19:45, Chris Marshall a écrit :
It's people like us that are going to get hit the hardest, not the big shops. Retraining whilst still trying to keep the work going through, is going to be very very difficult, dare I say, almost impossible. But hey, we don't have a significant investment in Softimage, so that's ok!

On Monday, 17 March 2014, Emilio Hernandez < <>> wrote:


    El lunes, 17 de marzo de 2014, Mirko Jankovic
    <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>> escribió:

        Honestly small shops and individuals are really a bit harder
        to make big investments than bigger shops.

-- -------------------------------------------------------
    Emilio Hernández   VFX & 3D animation.


Chris Marshall
Mint Motion Limited
029 20 37 27 57
07730 533 115 <>

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