In Softimage we have a production-proven, solid tool.  ICE works TODAY, not
2 years from today, not in a dream of a product called Bifrost, but right

Are you telling everyone here who has based their ENTIRE business around
Softimage, we should trust Autodesk to have a fully functioning tool ready
that will do EVERYTHING Softimage can do TODAY by the time Softimage hits
the end?  We should believe that after you've just admitted that Skyline
was a failure?

These aren't a bunch of ideas or concepts here, these are our businesses!
 We feed our families, we pay our bills, we survive based on Softimage and
now we have to hope that somehow Bifrost is not in the 99% failure, but 1%

Do you seriously want us to bet our future on that?  Would you go home and
tell your significant other that rather than focusing on a tool that works
for you, makes money for you right now, you're betting everything on a
promise from Autodesk??

Who on earth does business like that??  Is Autodesk going to pay our
mortgages or feed our families when Bifrost falls apart?  Because unless
that's the plan, I can't think of a single sane person who would go along
with this Maya-only plan.

This is absolutely a terrible way to do business and everyone at Autodesk
knows it.  They've just dug in their heels to avoid looking like they've
made a colossal mistake.


On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 12:08 PM, Adam Sale <> wrote:

> Maurice, in all of this talk the one glaring omission is this. You guys
> are always trying to innovate. You have said success is often 99 percent
> failure to one percent success. Well, in the event bifrost falls by the
> wayside like skyline did, all of a sudden autodesk will have zero node
> based solutions to do the type of ice work we expect of a dcc product. How
> is that a wise move as a company? Its like throwing out the baby with the
> bath water and seems incredibly short sighted. So as we move to bifrost to
> begin our transition away from ICE, we may be in this same mess a couple
> years down the road if it doesnt pan out. Imagine the fallout then.. people
> will go absolutely nuclear on AD.
> Adam
> On Mar 18, 2014 9:00 AM, <> wrote:
>> "Last year was a watershed one for the industry for many different
>> reasons resulting in many significant changes to our strategy"
>> Yes, the industry is changing. Budgets are getting smaller and work needs
>> to be done faster.
>> So surely, the wise thing to do would be to invest in the tool with the
>> fastest workflow. I have spent the last 3 years demonstrating to my studio
>> why Softimage needs to be what we are using to make our projects feasible,
>> and despite the fact, I'm the only Softimage person there. I have managed
>> to persuade them through demonstration and now we are setting up production
>> with it.
>> By making tools that perform complex tasks quickly ( Softimage and ICE
>> combo ), There is a huge market to be explored doing movie quality work on
>> television that would have been unfeasible a few years ago.
>> How do you think it feels after all that effort, RIGHT before the project
>> is about to start, to hear this news? Its utterly short sighted and I
>> imagine it will be rather embarrassing when we reveal how we managed to
>> pull this off , as its going to be a testament to the clear advantage given
>> by Softimage over any other solution and I will take every opportunity I
>> can to say that.
>> There is no way I'm going to change tracks back to a tool I had to spend
>> all that time proving Softimage was far superior to.
>> -----Original Message----- From: Maurice Patel
>> Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2014 3:21 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: RE: Autodesk webinar
>> Hi Perry,
>> At that time, although Softimage was not an area we were planning on
>> investing more in, there was no plan to discontinue it. That decision was
>> only made at the end of last year. Last year was a watershed one for the
>> industry for many different reasons resulting in many significant changes
>> to our strategy. At the time this statement was made we did not even have
>> any plans for MayaLT. Unfortunately things can change very fast.
>> maurice
>> Maurice Patel
>> Autodesk : Tél:  514 954-7134
>> From: [mailto:softimage-bounces@
>>] On Behalf Of Perry Harovas
>> Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2014 11:12 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Autodesk webinar
>> Maurice, I know things change, but this statement from Marc was only a
>> year and a half ago:
>> "Autodesk plans to continue to develop all of products mentioned [in this
>> story]. These are all solutions that serve many different customer needs
>> across multiple industries and in many different types of workflows.
>> We are not discontinuing development on any of the products you mentioned
>> but we will increase focus in specific areas where individual products are
>> strong."

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