I expected a better letter from Carl Bass,
one with answers deeper rooted to the letter of Perry.
I doubt he even wrote the reply, I think he just sended it.

Let's hope maya stays as shit as it is and modo and houdini turn into gold.

fu AD

2014-03-24 5:05 GMT+01:00 Sebastien Sterling <sebastien.sterl...@gmail.com>:

> The beautiful irony being, we won't have a say either way ;)
> On 24 March 2014 03:58, Raffaele Fragapane <raffsxsil...@googlemail.com>wrote:
>> Yeah, except that at that point there would be no viable commercial
>> software left in the world to animate on that could be legally used and
>> bought seats for and have ready to go in a reasonable amount of time and
>> without training hundreds of people on it.
>> It would be a lot worse than now and it'd take years to catch up to such
>> a nuclear winter scenario.
>> I mean, it's great that everybody is loving Houdini, Modo and all that,
>> but if both Maya and Soft were to have no seats you could purchase for
>> offline use next year a very large number of places would be screwed. The
>> competition isn't anywhere near being able to replace either without an
>> inordinate amount of work going into re-doing, re-wrapping, and
>> re-training... yet again for those coming from Soft.
>> No, thank you, I'd rather we get another three or four years before AD
>> nukes itself taking a large chunk of the userbase with them if they really
>> plan on the market equivalent of a suicide bombing. Sure, let them, but
>> free the area of crowds first, please :p
>> On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 2:37 PM, Sebastien Sterling <
>> sebastien.sterl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I say bring it, bring the cloud, let them bring it and let it be the
>>> worst most singular monumental blunder in the recorded history of
>>> client/provider inter dynamics.
>>> A fuck up of such magnitude it can be viewed from space.
>>> Sure we'd have to get creative for one year maybe two, but it's no
>>> difference to what is happening now.
>>> And when the dust settles maybe they finally learn their lesson, or they
>>> go extinct.
>>> personally am rooting for the latter.
>>> On 24 March 2014 02:45, Raffaele Fragapane 
>>> <raffsxsil...@googlemail.com>wrote:
>>>> If anybody moves a software I rely on to deliver a movie to the cloud
>>>> with no alternatives there are plenty lives at stakes. Those of anybody
>>>> around me in a 1Km radius for a start, and then several others after that.
>>>>  I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are
>>>> looking for more maintenance fees, I can tell you I don't have money. But
>>>> what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired
>>>> over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like
>>>> you. If you let my software work offline, that'll be the end of it. I will
>>>> not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for
>>>> you, I will find you, and I will kill you.
>>>> P.S.
>>>> If you haven't seen Taken you might be inclined to take the above more
>>>> seriously than it should be :p
>>>> On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 1:29 PM, Ed Manning <etmth...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Crap. Hate phone buttons.
>>>>> Between a $200m bldg and a $200m movie.
>>>>> In the former, there's little or no proprietary IP.  If one critical
>>>>> detail fails to be communicated, in the worst case people die.
>>>>> In the latter, no ones' lives are at stake but if one critical detail
>>>>> goes to the wrong person, there may be huge repercussions financially, but
>>>>> no ones life is at stake.
>>>>> So there are very different needs for information sharing.
>>>>> Despite superficial similarities, making a movie or TV spot with
>>>>> digital tools and designing and building a physical structure with digital
>>>>> tools are fundamentally different and the idea that there could be some
>>>>> magical cloud solution that fits both would appear to be wishful thinking
>>>>> at best, snake oil at worst.
>>>>> In the long run, I just don't see what AD can do for the M & E world
>>>>> with this attitude.
>>>>> On Sunday, March 23, 2014, Ed Manning <etmth...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Well, I think or hope the cloud issue will be settled by the contract
>>>>>> lawyers for the film studios and advertisers.  There's a big difference
>>>>>> between putting up a $100M building and making
>>>> --
>>>> Our users will know fear and cower before our software! Ship it! Ship
>>>> it and let them flee like the dogs they are!
>> --
>> Our users will know fear and cower before our software! Ship it! Ship it
>> and let them flee like the dogs they are!

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