How about this one? Anyone use this? It is free..... I think.

On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 2:01 PM, Nicolas Esposito <> wrote:

> I'm using iPi Motion Capture and its working pretty good!
> Just export the bvh file using the 3ds max option and in Softimage the
> retargeter viw motor works like a charm ;)
> Kinemocap, as far as I know, gives you direct control inside Softimage,
> but the polishing needs to be done manually, while in iPi its
> still need to adjust stuff when you import the bvh fron
> iPi, but you don't have any jiggly movement...mainly because kinect kinda
> sucks :D
> 2014-03-27 18:55 GMT+01:00 Jimmy Marrero <>:
> Hey guys,
>> Has anyone had any experience with the following??
>> I am looking for a mocap solution within softimage using any primesense
>> (Kinect)
>> Camera.
>> Anyone have any success??
>> Thanks


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