"La mechanique du coeur", still looks pretty decent. I don't think its a
fair assessment as a pipeline experience, Walking the Dog aren't exactly
the norm when it comes to pipelines. Like you say with a few more modo
savvy people on board I'm sure a lot of pain could have been alleviated.

 Jack Fontaine is a nice guy, but i got the impression he's a modeler,
strange that they would have him come in as a render consultant.

Would love to see something brought together through a full Modo pipe, of
course we are not there yet but 801 seems to be shaping up to bring us

On 4 April 2014 09:38, Rob Chapman <tekano....@gmail.com> wrote:

> Had an unpleasant experience with modo when it was included in a previous
> pipeline as a render engine last year. stuff could get in ok but getting
> relevant stuff out was not so easy. The modo 'expert' for finaling said
> that the reason it could not export nulls with scaling or rotation was
> because modo has 'deep code' . Obviously my experience with this app was
> subsequently tainted by a lack of production savvy professionalism.  It can
> only really improve when tested 'in battle' so hope it does for you guys !

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