Ah yes! I think that's something I can run with! I'll check that out. Thank you.

On 7/15/2014 8:48 AM, Mathieu Leclaire wrote:
I'm basically going to say the same thing Adrian said... we had a similar project with the same problem.

If there is a direction to your wind, you need to minimize the amount of rotation the instance have. If your cached plant had wind blowing in your +X axis, you have to make sure all your plants X-axis point more or less towards that direction. We used a random of more or less 20 degrees to make sure they are all aligned the same.

Then to control the timing of your animation, you can use a turbulence to drive the ShapeInstanceTime. That will make sure that you zone your animation timing so that all the neighbors have a time value close to them. Turbulence will remove the randomness while ensuring that not all instances have the same time value. Use a Turbulize Around Value that you can animate if you want, just add the current frame to the turbulence result and play with the Turbulence Scale to get the right look and adjust your range to control the delay in animation.

Does this make sense to you?


On 15/07/2014 9:34 AM, Tim Crowson wrote:
I'm thinking more of a scenario where the clumps (or whatever is being instanced) is actually being deformed by some kind of cache (pointcache probably). I'd like to find a way to offset their animation, but not strictly randomly...

On 7/15/2014 4:13 AM, adrian wyer wrote:

make sure your 'ground' has plenty of subdivisions, throw a CAV property on it, use turbulence in an ice tree to push a fractal pattern through it

us the rgb values as vectors for clump rotation?



*From:*softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com [mailto:softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com] *On Behalf Of *Tim Crowson
*Sent:* 14 July 2014 23:39
*To:* softimage@listproc.autodesk.com
*Subject:* Randomized but natural offset motion of ICE-scattered items?

I'm looking at using ICE-scattering for more natural set dressing, but I really need to add some motion in there. I've done a fair bit of static stuff with over the last couple of years, but applying natural motion to scattered instances still eludes me. In the case of grass for example, I can't just offset a clump's animation randomly... there needs to be a pattern to it, to give the appearance of wind moving along or whatever. Is it possible to control (via a noise whose scale I can control), how ICE instances have their animations activated?

ICE noob here... thinking out loud....


*Tim Crowson
*/Lead CG Artist/

*Magnetic Dreams, Inc.
*2525 Lebanon Pike, Bldg C, Suite 101, Nashville, TN 37214
*Ph* 615.885.6801 | *Fax* 615.889.4768 | www.magneticdreams.com <http://www.magneticdreams.com>
tim.crow...@magneticdreams.com <mailto:tim.crow...@magneticdreams.com>

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