... after all these suggestions, normaly it should run!
did you also try/starting soft as an administrator?!


On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 10:20 PM, todd peleg <toddape...@gmail.com <mailto:toddape...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Hi all..

    I have a machine that softimage has worked on consistently for YEARS.

    today... it decided to open up with this error:
    "Failed to save scene before system failure"

    then its gone.

    ive tried a ton of the troubleshooting ive found thru google
    searches with no success..

    can anyone point me to any other options?

    things ive tried thus far (not in this order):

    - checked the registry for issues related to jscript and vbscript
    (nothing found)
    - uninstalled any newly added software
    - renamed the user preferences
    - double checked graphics driver issues by
      a) editing the layout file to open with the explorer rather than
    the view manager
      b) reinstalled an approved graphics driver
    - installed 2 new clean versions of softimage (2014 and 2014 sp2)
    - runonce.bat (all all versions) - nothing showed up that i saw
    - launched xsibatch.. it worked

    i also tried the process manager... but.. i couldnt find anything
    outstanding.. though i admit at a certain point.. i got
    confused..and stopped reading thru it.

    thanks for anyone that can help.



*Walter Volbers*
Senior Animator

Animation & Digital Effects GmbH

Kontorhaus Osthafen
Lindleystraße 12
60314 Frankfurt am Main

Telefon +49 (0) 69.48 000 55.50
Telefax +49 (0) 69.48 000 55.15


Eine Kooperation der escape GmbH und der FIFTYEIGHT3D GmbH


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