.. ICE and general limitlessness making it   'timeless' (indeed)   and/or so darn irreplacable...

On 08/05/14 11:45, Jason S wrote:
Maybe it wasn't a good idea to install various trials at the same time, but I wanted to stress test Modo, C4d, (& Blender) at side by side.

and I personally found c4d to be the most straight-forward/versatile (like freedom in an open field) while remaining easily managable ("asset management"?) and non finnicky. Quite a bit more than Modo actually, though it was easier to find help in Modo furums, (whilst I didn't as often need to in c4d) giving like a feeling that C4d is to Modo what SI is to Maya in terms of 'workflow', and I personally found Modo's 'user friendlyness' to be mostly (or only) in proportion to Maya (while at least not having Maya's price tag)

But C4d (or modo) is still very much like a little brother, not just in regards to Espresso,
but it (like Modo) always seem to add (some really very cool/useful) things without ever addressing some core performance/stability "issues" - (only being 'issues' relative to SI/Maya), while being -very hard- to see any light at the end of each tunnels in those respects.

Blender was actually one who was 'able to take-it', but dealing with the outliner.. OMG.. reparentling things (alone) is excruciating(even after knowing how to do it),
and there is to this day, no way to change the same properties of multiple objects (no spreadsheet or multi edit of any form)

I think that if Blender addressed not that many things (which don't seem to involve too deep things compared to others) it could really be far more seriously be considered having it's own share of incredible things.

But While SI can definately also bog down, and some operations can take a long time ...
(in c4d for instance, reparenting 1 or 1000 objects takes the same amount of time,
and that to my surprise, *technically* each app actually yeilded very similar raw FPS **when simply navigating** with the same amount of objects/polys) , 

.. In SI, everything remains very workable
(interactivity/managability/stability, or not feeling like you have a heavy MR render region running all the time)
with heavy loads or when pushing-it (especially so when minding a mere handful of things)

But even without considering playback performance with lots of things happenning, this is all notwithstanding SI's ability to turn on dimes, or as mentionned;  passes, gator, changing things at any level with it's procedural nature, it's seemless/modeless interaction model, need I go on.. making it (by heads & shoulders) faster than anything out there.

Also in respects to many if not most new cool features, (both c4d & modo had lots of great new things in their last releases)
already even without ICE, SI sort of had **TONS** of 'features' that were merely a combination of a few things,
(shrinkwrap retopology for instance)

But you know.. -WITH- ICE,  it can easily be said that SI somehow has like an easy access to any feature you could ever think of, or need in a particular situation, which can be seen as nothing less than like an all-encompassing abstract feature.

Which is similarly one of the things that make it (or have made it) so 'timeless' (indeed) :]

On 08/05/14 9:06, olivier jeannel wrote:
Yeah, well it doesn't have a modeling stack either.

Looks more like a compilation of presets and "auto-tools" to me.

No improvement of Mograph since ages, and the TP are an horror compared to ice.

Le 05/08/2014 14:53, Rob Wuijster a écrit :
Some nice things, but the one more..... wasn't Render Passes ;-P

How do people cope with Modo, Cinema 4D not having Passes like in Softimage?
With Modo I'm still not sure it's worth all the shuffling of item and polygon groups, shaders, pass groups and passes.....



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