Can you give us a bit more of an idea what you're aiming for? Animate into
a round blurry shape from what/where?

On 5 November 2014 18:05, gareth bell <> wrote:

> emit from a spherical/cylinderical volume?
> ------------------------------
> From:
> Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2014 12:56:51 -0500
> Subject: ICE: Randomized circular clump
> To:
> I need to animate my points into a round blurry shape. Both randomize and
> turbulence generate a squarish volume of points. I have tried a few
> approaches to make them clump but haven't gotten anything yet. I'm sure
> it's something simple I'm overlooking. This is an unsimulated cloud.
> Tips appreciated
> Byron

Brandt Animation
020 7734 0196

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