Thank you as always :)

Thanks for the suggestion, it was already off. Right now just compounding
random groups before saving is making re-opening the scene and tree much
less painful. And then just explode them.

I'm considering what to do with it after I finish it. Though I'll probably
need to make it more ICE adept, since this is a blueprint and some
procedures I'm using are not for this context.

Another side question. As the tree grows, having the ability to select
connections becomes hazardous since one can easily disconnect something and
not notice and then, chase around tail to find it. Any way to only be able
to select the connections near the ports?


On Fri, Aug 14, 2015 at 3:35 AM, Jason S <jasonsta...@gmail.com> wrote:

> (Oops! empy post was an inadvertant Ctrl-Enter)
> @ Diana
> Indeed, looks great for page turns, or progressively rolling up things,
> and hope would be submitted to Rray! :)
> (and we can see 26fps in one of them which seems quite snappy)
> @Luceric
> I wonder what might have made you think of that ;) or if anyone ever tried
> turning it on, to not turn it off just as soon as dragging anything to the
> tree  (and see fonts dissapear)
> In contrast, I don't think anyone would ever want to turn it off if it
> didn't do that, as an otherwise not at-all taxing to display performance
> than cleartype, and allows to actually read text when even slightly zoomed
> out, or make out words from birds eye views.
> Which may be the reason why pretty-much all ICE screen-shots are taken
> 100% zoom-in (with maximized views for larger trees) or not taken at all.
> (to not have most text immediatly become almost like garbled chicken
> scratch)
> Greetz!
> On 08/13/15 22:25, Jason S wrote:
> On 08/13/15 19:02, Luc-Eric Rousseau wrote:
> Try turning off high quality text in the render tree options, if you  have
> that turned on.  Or turn it on if you're on ati
> On 08/13/15 9:18, Diana David wrote:
> :)The last 3 GIFs are quite interesting!
> -------------------------------------------------
> Com os melhores cumprimentos,
> Kind Regards,
> [image: www.dianadavid.net] <http://www.dianadavid.net>
>    -
> 2015-08-12 23:05 GMT+01:00 pedro santos <probi...@gmail.com>:
>> @Olivier
>> I haven't sent to anyone else to try it. I'm assuming is a UI generation
>> issue and not GPU the UI doesn't go blank, the whole application locks up
>> instead.
>> @Matt
>> For the operations I'm doing I need these many nodes. I've already done
>> other bend deformers too and of course I didn't needed all this indeed (
>> http://prntscr.com/83y066 ). I'm trying to get with something a bit more
>> evolved but mainly it's a code blueprint. So I can test ideas faster than I
>> would with code.
>> The parts that are repetitive are already compounds, since again, this is
>> a code blueprint I'm interested in convert those into functions.
>> I've seen people using matrix to convey operations (Delta Mush compound
>> was like that I think). But this operation is not very linear. Things go up
>> and down the several streams of processing, so I don't know who to do
>> matrix transformation would help in this case. It did help to just compound
>> some sections. Just do hide out some things, and the tree started to load
>> faster. Thanks.
>> @Jason S
>> Just like I said to Matt, I did that and it helped. Though I'm avoiding
>> do it to everything since like I mentioned I need to pull data from many
>> places and having the thing a bit more flatter helps. I also don't like to
>> set value and call them locally beause this is a blueprint and the
>> advantage over code is that I can immediately inspect what is being used
>> where.
>> By the way the ICE execution is very smooth. One of the reasons I moved
>> out of LW after being 90% done there( http://prntscr.com/83y3rv ) , in
>> ICE that is not problem. Just the UI load that was showing as problem,
>> unlike LW where it loaded in 1 sec.
>> Thanks for the tips. Here's the additional gifs I ended up cooking :)
>> Cheers


Alpiarça dos Santos Animator  3DModeler  Illustrator >>
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