I know these things are often down to personal preference and depth of knowledge of a package, but for me, 3DEqualizer wins out in most situations. The only time I go to PFTrack is for their mesh tracking and perspective alignment tool. I'm not particularly a fan of PFTrack's node editor, as it doesn't provide the sorts of workflows that I'd expect from it so I quickly get frustrated. I find that it's too high level in terms of the data that gets passed between nodes. I want more granularity.

With 3DE being so (relatively) cheap with its rental pricing now, I'd find it hard to justify using anything else. It's not the easiest of packages to pick up when you're starting out, but for me that's about the only downside.

On 20/07/2016 15:07, Alok Gandhi wrote:
Chiming in from VFX Pipeline perspective on which I have a worked for quite a number of years (though not in tracking), there are these 3 or 4 dccs as mentioned above that I have seen the most experienced tracking artists using each one of them for solving specific shot problems. In the end a solid tracking artist would preferably have most of them in their arsenal to track any shot thrown their way using a combination or one of them. Sometimes tracking can be a brutal and needs some serious fire fighting. So I would say all of them have their pros and cons but by a little margin PF Track wins the race.

On Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 5:25 PM, Chris Marshall <chrismarshal...@gmail.com <mailto:chrismarshal...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    OK Brilliant! I'll check out some of those options.
    Sounds like PF Track might be my first point of contact.
    Thanks List!

    On 20 July 2016 at 09:05, Olivier Jeannel <facialdel...@gmail.com
    <mailto:facialdel...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        I've seen some nice thing coming out of nuke tracking (I don't
        use Nuke ..yet)
        Other than that PF track.

        On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 11:48 PM, Adam Sale
        <adamfs...@gmail.com <mailto:adamfs...@gmail.com>> wrote:

            PF Track all the way in my opinion. Node based interface
            for combining all kinds of matchmove , object tracks,
            stabilization, undistortion, redistortion etc.
            Its cheaper by a long shot than 3dEq, though I can't speak
            for the rental aspect costs.

            On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 10:30 AM, Francois Lord
            <flordli...@gmail.com <mailto:flordli...@gmail.com>> wrote:

                Syntheyes for low price, precision of 2D tracking and
                speed of 2D tracking.
                PFTrack for overall speed and versatility.
                3DEqualizer for difficult shots and precision of 3D track.
                NukeX for simple shots if you already have a license.

                If you need to choose just one, I would pick PFTrack.
                The node based workflow is awesome, but the rest of
                the UI is awful. A good combination is to 2D track in
                Syntheyes and 3D solve in PFTrack.

                On 2016-07-19 10:46, Rob Wuijster wrote:

                There's PFTrack, and SynthEyes is used a lot as well.
                SynthEyes has decent pricing too.


                On 19-7-2016 16:18, Cristobal Infante wrote:
                I would recommend 3DEqualizer, it's probably the
                best one out there. You can now rent it.
                FXPHD have some good intro courses I believe.

                On 19 July 2016 at 10:47, Chris Marshall
                <mailto:chrismarshal...@gmail.com>> wrote:

                    Hi All,
                    What are people using for motion tracking /
                    match moving these days? I haven't needed to do
                    it for a while.



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