I agree, viewport subdivision interaction can be a tad annoying. I tend display 
Primitive Hulls when doing SubD editing as it least that way the viewport is 
operating to the same interaction model. The make Hulls visible command is 
readily available on the right hand side of the viewport but annoyingly there’s 
no way to assign it to a key binding. Going to submit an EFR for that one this 
afternoon! 😉


The delay for the first time you action SubD’s via the + key was a bug I think. 
I running 16.0.563 and the delay is no longer there. I just took delivery of a 
1080 Ti this week so it doesn’t seem to be related to Pascal cards. I was 
running a Maxwell gen Titan X on display duties before, and also got that nasty 
delay when triggering viewport SubD’s in earlier H16 builds.


But seriously Tim, EFR like crazy all the things you think are getting in the 
way. Their listening and being exceptionally responsive. The great thing about 
SideFX is that that actively seek artist feedback and RFE’s;  bugs aren’t the 
only thing they’re interested in hearing about.


From: softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com 
[mailto:softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com] On Behalf Of Tim Bolland
Sent: 02 April 2017 12:10
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List. 
Subject: Re: Houdini 16 AutoRigging masterclass


I made an RFE in the past about this but it wasn't addressed in the upgrade. 
I'm all for trying to use Houdini as a "traditional" modeler, but until they 
resolve the problems with view port subdivision I just can't see how it's 


Unless I'm missing something or some option in the settings, currently when you 
use viewport subdivision and try to select polygons you can only select the 
original unsub'd poly hull. Making it really annoying trying to manipulate the 
mesh in this mode. On top of that. what's going on with the partial showing of 
the the subdivided edges? Either show the low-rez edges on a smooth surface 
(like the default Softimage / maya etc settings) or show all of the new sub-d 
edges on a smooth surface(an option in soft). Currently it looks like Houdini 
picks and chooses when to show the extra detail and when not too. Finally, and 
maybe this is just my graphics card/driver (GTX 1080) but swapping between 
subdivided and non-subdivided takes longer than I think is acceptable, even on 
low rez meshes there is a noticeable pause. If what I'm saying isn't clear I'm 
happy to provide examples.


I love what the team has done over the last few years, and the new network 
upgrades are great, but interactive modelling responsiveness should be next on 
the list. 






From:  <mailto:softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com> 
softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com < 
softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com> on behalf of Jonathan Moore < 
<mailto:jonathan.moo...@gmail.com> jonathan.moo...@gmail.com>
Sent: 01 April 2017 17:06
To:  <mailto:softimage@listproc.autodesk.com> softimage@listproc.autodesk.com
Subject: Houdini 16 AutoRigging masterclass 


Michael Goldfarb (Senior Technical Director at SideFX) talking though the new 
AutoRigging tools in Houdini 16



 <https://www.sidefx.com/tutorials/autorigging-masterclass/> AutoRig Tools 
Masterclass | SideFX

 <http://www.sidefx.com> www.sidefx.com

Houdini 16 includes the new modular Autorigs system. This masterclass provides 
an introduction to the tools and demonstrates a complete workflow starting with 
an imported character mesh all the way to a Digital Asset that is ready for 



I was chatting with Michael on the Discord server and he mentioned that he’s 
very interested in RFE’s regarding both Houdini’s enhanced rigging tools and 
rigging workflows in general. If anybody has any ideas about rigging 
improvements let me know or post the RFE directly.


We also discussed poly modelling in Houdini and how sometimes destructive poly 
modelling (regularly deleting history) is preferred as it can be a far more 
fluid way to initially create assets. I like to model assets destructively as a 
first pass and then if the asset can benefit from procedurally based 
variations, recreate it in Houdini in a more structured manner. Because of the 
improvements to the modelling tools in H15-H16 I find I’m attempting I model 
‘destructively’ in Houdini too but I think Houdini could be improved to help 
make this workflow more fluid. Michael is also interested in RFE’s here too so 
if anybody has thoughts on this too, let me know.

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