To sum it up: When I look back to all graphics cards I've used over the years 
(quadro to 3dLabs to geforce to ATIFireGL to quadro to geforce), all issues 
like display and selection glitches were with non-workstation cards. With one 
exception, the ATI card was junk even officially certified for XSI back then. 
The Quadro cards never had *any* issues. Slower in shaded mode yes, but more 

The crappiest card I've ever tried to use for work was a GTX 8800. It was so 
bad that I switched to a Quadro2000 after a few month. It's better with the 
gaming cards nowadays, but there is a reason for the higher price on quadros.

They are surely overpriced, no question. If they were at ranges like 10 years 
ago (roughly double the price compared to their geforce counterparts), I would 
buy them every time.



[] On Behalf Of Sven Constable
Sent: Thursday, February 01, 2018 6:00 PM
To: 'Official Softimage Users Mailing List.'
Subject: RE: OTish - todays Maya rant and Q - selecting items


If its worth the price is another thing, but I would say quadros are more 
reliable in those cases especially when selecting stuff and all kinds of 2D 
operations. Basically what Matt said.

No idea if the problem here is caused by the geforce card, maya itself, 
drivers, windows version or any combination. All I'm saying is that quadros 
*tend* to not have these kind of issues. They can even perfom faster in some 
regards eg. when using wireframe modes. I think that is because they support it 
more directly in hardware than the geforces.

I'm currently using a geforce card for XSI and it works ok. But I do have 
selection problems in hidden line removal mode and I also noticed that the 
playback performance isn't much faster when switching from shaded to wireframe 
or even to bounding box. I can live with that so I will stay with geforces to 
save a bunch of money though :)




[] On Behalf Of Mirko Jankovic
Sent: Thursday, February 01, 2018 4:40 PM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: Re: OTish - todays Maya rant and Q - selecting items


I don't agree with quadro vs geforce part. Not at all. 

I read issues you were describing but I have never ever in my life had any 
similar things happening. 

And I also used couple different quadros as well and never seen much 
improvement inside 3d aps, at all. 

Not performance wise nor issue wise.

As a matter of fact with some of quadros I had ton of view port issues in maya 
like not being able to select vertices.. yes weird but it happens and misc 
other things. 

Maybe they have some advantage in CAD work but with 3d apps.. they don;t for a 
long time and they especially don't justify 4-5 times price for them. 

And even view ports in 3d apps are more using game like specific display stuff 
then what old view ports did. 

As for maya selection I've noticed that mostly maya using people don;t notice 
crap like that , are they simply used to that and now automatically got some 
work around, but people that used Softimage before notice crap like that non 

I to had ton of issues selecting what I want in maya and maya ends up using 
it;s own selection priority and who knows what as well. 

Yes it is a bit SI rant but it si simple truth, when using maya for a long time 
you simply get used to crap it is serving you and keep eating not noticing 
stink all over it :)



On Thu, Feb 1, 2018 at 1:35 PM, Morten Bartholdy <> wrote:

I have never had issues in XSI, Nuke, Fusion, Blender, Mudbox, Syntheyes, 
Photoshop, Illustrator and others using GeForce cards, so this is clearly a 
Maya issue :)


> Den 1. februar 2018 klokken 12:48 skrev Matt Lind <>:
> Flakey behavior can be the result of using a gaming graphics card like a
> GeForce instead a workstation graphics card like a Quadro.
> Gaming cards cut many corners to get their speed up, cost down, do one thing
> very well, and mediocre at everything else.  Games tax a few specific
> resources pretty hard, but the number of different resources they tax is
> fairly thin.
> Workstations cards, on the other hand, are designed for a wider array of
> uses providing more depth with extra buffers, overlay planes, and so forth
> because their purpose is to be reliable in most any situation.  Many
> applications lean on these extra buffers to work properly.  If you are using
> a gaming card, you may run into situations where the application either
> takes a performance hit, or makes bad decisions because the buffer does not
> exist.
> When I was at Carbine, we had a mix of graphics cards.  My workstation had a
> midrange Quadro while the artists had top end GeForces.  There were many
> issues where they would run into flakiness that my workstation could not
> reproduce.  For example, if multiple windows occupied the same screen space,
> applications would get confused which one had focus.  If you were using
> photoshop and clicked on a particular part of the screen to paint, the
> application would think you were using the explorer window in XSI because
> the explorer window was in the same 2D screen space, but on a different
> layer.  Likewise, if you were in XSI and did something in a viewport, the
> application would think you were working in your email client if it was open
> in the same screen location.  Quadros did not have this problem.
> In another example, an artist needed to do video capture to demonstrate a
> modeling technique, but each time he did his capture session, the
> application would only capture the active viewport in XSI, not the entire
> screen.  If the schematic view had focus, then only the schematic view would
> be captured while everything else was black because XSI's interface was
> comprised of multiple windows embedded into a framework, and each window was
> on a different overlay plane.  Gaming cards typically only have support for
> a few overlay planes (if that).  Again, the Quadro did not have this issue -
> it supported multiple overlay planes to capture all the windows in the XSI
> interface.
> Matt
> Date: Thu, 1 Feb 2018 11:19:06 +0100 (CET)
> From: Morten Bartholdy <>
> Subject: OTish - todays Maya rant and Q - selecting items
> To: "Userlist, Softimage" <>
> Am I the only one being seriously annoyed by the seeming inaccuracy of
> selection of items in Maya viewports?
> I click directly on geometry with plenty of screenspace around, and Maya
> selects an adjacent object. Orbit a bit and dolly in, try again - Maya
> selects another irrelevant adjacent object. Click elsewhere on object I want
> to select, and finally I get to select it. WTF were they thinking?
> I find myself selecting adjacent objects and rig elements, making quick
> selection sets (so I can quickly find and unhide them again) and hiding
> them, just to select one particular object. Needless to say it is a massive
> waste of time.
> Is there a reason behind this madness or is is something like depth sorting
> inaccuracy or what??
> Morten
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