Hey there... I'm having an issue with large doc updates on my solr
installation. I'm adding in batches between 2-20,000 docs at a time and I've
noticed Solr seems to hang at 6,144 docs every time. Breaking the adds into
smaller batches works just fine, but I was wondering if anyone knew why this
would happen. I've tried doubling memory as well as tweaking various config
options but nothing seems to let me break the 6,144 barrier.

This is the output from Solr admin. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

*name: * updateHandler  *class: *
org.apache.solr.update.DirectUpdateHandler2  *version: * 1.0  *description:
* Update handler that efficiently directly updates the on-disk main lucene
index  *stats: *commits : 0
optimizes : 0
docsPending : 6144
deletesPending : 6144
adds : 6144
deletesById : 0
deletesByQuery : 0
errors : 0
cumulative_adds : 6144
cumulative_deletesById : 0
cumulative_deletesByQuery : 0
cumulative_errors : 0
docsDeleted : 0

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