
Define a field <field name="match_all">abcd</field> with constant value
'abcd' for all documents (choose value not listed in any 'stop-word' etc.).
Lucene query 'scan_all:abcd' will retrieve 'all' documents.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom 
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2006 5:08 PM
Subject: MatchAllDocsQuery in solr?

Is there a way to do a match all docs query in solr?

I mean is there something I can put in a solr URL that will get 
recognized by the SolrQueryParser as meaning a "match all"?

Why? Because I'm porting unit tests from our internal Lucene 
container to Solr, and the tests usually run such a query,  upon 
completion, to make sure the index is in the expected state (nothing 
missing, nothing extra).

Yes, I can create a query that will match all my docs, there are a 
few fields that have a relatively small range of values. I was just 
looking for a standard way to do it first.



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