: Is there a way to automatically set a field when a document is indexed?
: Specifically, I'd like to have a date field updated to the current time when
: a document is indexed.

Your message reminded me that i never announced the new "Date Match"
parsing code, which does let you say something like...

  <field name="timestamp">NOW</field>

...in your <add><doc> calls, but there is currently no way to have
"default" values for fields in your schema ... it's on the wishlist, but
no one is currently pursueing it as far as i know.

: I have a bunch of stuff stored in SQL, my plan is to:
:  * note the current time

...the gist of your plan is sound, but to eliminate possible headaches
from clock sync issues, instead of getting the "current time" from
somewhere, i would query your index for the all docs (of the type
you are interested in) sorted by date desc, and then note the date of the
newst doc and later delete all docs with dates up to and including that

: My options are:
: 1) Send the index time along with the document.
: 2) extend UpdateHandler (DirectUpdateHandler2) to do this automatically
: 1) is the easiest but requires that everyone sending data sends a valid
: "index_time" field.
: 2) more complicated, but then we know everything has a valid "index_time"
: field.

As i said, you could just put "NOW" in all of your docs, but if you are
interested in pursuing option#2, the most general purpose and reusable
approach miht be to add an optional default="value" attribute to the
<field> declarations in the schema.xml (relevant classes are SchemaField
and IndexSchema) and then modify the DocumentBuilder.getDoc method to
check for any default values of fields the Document doesn't already have
values for and add them .. then your timestamp field becomes...

<field name="timestamp" type="date" indexed="true" stored="true" default="NOW" 

..but you can also have other default fields...

<field name="forSale" type="boolean" indexed="true" stored="true" 
default="false" />
<field name="type" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" default="unknown" 



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