On Feb 20, 2007, at 1:46 PM, Jack L wrote:
The numbers vary quite a bit though, from 13 docs/s (Burkamp)
to 250 docs/s (Walter) to 1000 docs/s I understand the results also depend
on the doc size and hardware.

my number 1000 was per minute, not second! however, i've done a few runs today where i fire up Solr and run 4 of my Ruby-based indexers on 4 separate large files to load (of 50k documents each). I've indexed (while reading e-mail, editing code, etc) 200k chunks a couple of times today at around 158 documents / sec.

I have a question for Erik: you mentioned "single threaded indexer"
(below). I'm not familiar with solr at all and did a search on solr
wiki for "thread" and didn't find anything. Is it so that I can
actually configure solr to be single-threaded and multi-threaded?

And I'm not sure what you meant by parallelizing the indexer?
Running multiple instances of the indexer, or multiple instances
of solr?

Thanks to the others that clarified. I run my indexers in parallel... but a single instance of Solr (which in turn handles requests in parallel as well).


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