On Feb 21, 2007, at 9:29 PM, Jack L wrote:

Thanks Chris and Eric for the replies. Very helpful.

no, each instance manages a single schema and a single data index -- but thta schema can allow for various differnt types of documents that don't
need to have anything in common.

Does this mean that as long as I have the schema for all doc
types (which essentially means a larger schema file) set up,
then I can just throw any doc types to it, provided
that there is no conflict among the field names?

Wouldn't even matter if there were field name "conflicts". A field by any other name is just a field. All document types could have a "title" field, for example.

the fields are flat among different doc types?

I don't understand what you mean by flat here. By definition, a document in Solr/Lucene is "flat" in that it has fields, but no hierarchy beyond that.

Is there a way to specify the doc types other than having
it as one of the fields so that I can query against to get
a specific type?

No, there isn't another way. Solr doesn't impose any semantics on the _types of documents_ you index... it's up to the client to do that. But adding a simple "type" field to every document facilitates some amazing stuff :)


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