On Mar 8, 2007, at 10:52 PM, Chris Hostetter wrote:
or something like...


...but this is why Hierarchical facets are hard.

I've not yet tackled hierarchical facets myself despite the demand being there. It seems there are various ways this could be implemented, and ironing out the pros/cons of each is necessary.

Using the suggestion above is just like having normal facets, yet the user interface takes care of making things seem hierarchical. Once Dir1 becomes a constraint only its level2 subdirs would be returned.

Using a single field to represent hierarchy also would work by using PrefixQuery's:


Again, the UI would need to display this appropriately, and allow a user to select levels in the hierarchy and send to Solr "dir:Dir1/*" and so on.

Certainly Solr can, and likely eventually will, implement some type of built-in support for hierarchical facets, we can still hack them in with what we've got I believe.

I like what I see with Flamenco and hierarchical facets: <http:// orange.sims.berkeley.edu/cgi-bin/flamenco.cgi/nobel/Flamenco> - in this example, Affiliation and Year have levels below them that appear after the broader selection is made (or you can hover and see the tool-tip popup too).


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