Sorry, I missed the original mail.   Hoss has got it right.

Personally I'd love to see acts_as_solr definitively come into the solr-ruby fold.

Regarding your questions:

: 1. What are other alternatives are available for ruby integration with solr
: other than acts-as_solr plugin.

acts_as_solr is purely for ActiveRecord (database O/R mapping) integration with Solr, such that when you create/update/delete records they get taken care of in Solr also.

For pure Ruby access to Solr without a database, use solr-ruby. The 0.01 gem is available as "gem install solr-ruby", but if you can I'd recommend you tinker with the trunk codebase too.

: 2. acts_as_solr plugin - does it support highlighting feature

This depends on which acts_as_solr you've grabbed. As Hoss mentioned, there are various flavors of it floating around. I've promised to speak about acts_as_solr at RailsConf next month, so I'll be working to get that under control even if that means resurrecting my initial hack and making it part of solr-ruby and hoping that the other implementations floating out there would like to collaborate on a definitive version built into the Solr codebase.

: 3. performance benchmark for acts_as_solr plugin available if any

What kind of numbers are you after? acts_as_solr searches Solr, and then will fetch the records from the database to bring back model objects, so you have to account for the database access in the picture as well as Solr.


On Apr 19, 2007, at 5:30 PM, Chris Hostetter wrote:

I don't really know alot about Ruby, but as i understand it there are more then a few versions of something called "acts_as_solr" floating arround ... the first written by Erik as a proof of concept, and then pickedu pand
polished a bit by someone else (whose name escapes me)

all of the "serious" ruby/solr development i know about is happening as
part of the "Flare" sub-sub project...

...most of the people workign on it seem to hang out on the
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list. as i understand it the "solr-ruby" package
is a low level ruby<->solr API, with Flare being a higher level
reusable Rails app type thingamombob. (can you tell i don't know a lot
about RUby or rails? ... i'm winging it)

: Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2007 10:52:00 -0700
: From: amit rohatgi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: Reply-To:
: To:
: Subject: [acts_as_solr] Few question on usage
: Hi
: Here are few question for solr integrating with ruby
: 1. What are other alternatives are available for ruby integration with solr
: other than acts-as_solr plugin.
: 2. acts_as_solr plugin - does it support highlighting feature
: 3. performance benchmark for acts_as_solr plugin available if any
: -thanks
: dev


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