On Apr 19, 2007, at 10:41 PM, Ge, Yao ((Y.)) wrote:
When mutiple facet queries are specified, are they booleaned as OR or

Neither, if you're referring to &facet.query=...

facet.query's are all appended to the response, like this (in Ruby response format):

        'q'=>'erik hatcher'}},

The query was this: ?q=erik% 20hatcher&facet=on&facet.query=ant&facet.query=lucene&wt=ruby&indent=on& rows=0 on our library metadata which, pleasantly, has copies of both the Ant book (yes, I'm looking into that JUnit issue, Ryan and Yonik :) and the Lucene book.

If you mean the filter queries, &fq=... then those are logically ANDed when multiple are present.


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