I'm adding a field to be the source of the spellcheck database.  Since that
is its only job, it has raw text lower-cased, de-Latin1'd, and
Since it is only for the spellcheck DB, it does not need to keep duplicates.
I specified it as 'multiValued="false" and used <copyField> from a few other
fields to populate it. The Analyser promptly blew up, claiming that I was
putting multiple values in a single-valued field. I changed it to
multiValued="true", but now it keeps separate copies of the different
fields, which usually overlap.
Would it make sense for multiple <copyField> operations to work with a
single-valued field?  Since single-valued fields are a new feature in Solr,
I assume these little corner cases have not come to light before.
I defer to The Wisdom Of The Elder Council.

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