On Sep 5, 2007, at 3:30 AM, Dilip.TS wrote:
I would like to know if can implement the Embedded SOLR using the SOLR
collection distribution?

Partly... the rsync method of getting a master index to the slaves would work, but you'd need a way to <commit/> to the slaves so that they reload their IndexSearcher's.



-----Original Message-----
From: mike topper [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2007 8:29 PM
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: almost realtime updates with replication


Currently in our application we are using the master/slave setup and
have a batch update/commit about every 5 minutes.

There are a couple queries that we would like to run almost realtime so
I would like to have it so our client sends an update on every new
document and then have solr configured to do an autocommit every 5-10

reading the Wiki, it seems like this isn't possible because of the
strain of snapshotting and pulling to the slaves at such a high rate.
What I was thinking was for these few queries to just query the master
and the rest can query the slave with the not realtime data, although
I'm assuming this wouldn't work either because since a snapshot is
created on every commit, we would still impact the performance too much?

anyone have any suggestions?  If I set autowarmingCount=0 would I be
able to to pull to the slave faster than every couple of minutes (say,
every 10 seconds)?

what if I take out the postcommit hook on the master and just have the
snapshooter run on a cron every 5 minutes?


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