: When you say "outside of Solr" do you mean outside of solr.war? We finally
: got php/curl working with jetty's Basic Authentication. We had to unpack and
: repack solr.war to edit web.xml and it would have been nice to use some
: other method.

it should not be neccessary to unpack the war ... you should be able to 
configure the authentication based on paths independed of the webapp that 
serves that path.

i haven't tried this with jetty, but this Jetty FAQ... 
... and the demo file it refers to... 
...make it fairly clear that this is possible.  In this case no path is 
being used, so the entire port requires authentication ... you'd have to 
check with someone who knows more about jetty to find out how to map a 
Realm to specific paths.


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