On 14-Sep-07, at 3:38 PM, Tom Hill wrote:

Hi Mike,

Thanks for clarifying what has been a bit of a black box to me.

A couple of questions, to increase my understanding, if you don't mind.

If I am only using fields with multiValued="false", with a type of "string" or "integer" (untokenized), does solr automatically use approach 2? Or is
this something I have to actively configure?

It'll happen automatically.

And is approach 2 better than 1? Or vice versa? Or is the answer "it
depends"? :-)

It depends :)

If, as I suspect, the answer was "it depends", are there any general
guidelines on when to use or approach or the other?

Yeah, it usually depends on how many unique facet values there are, how many documents are returned in the query, and how much memory you have. 1 is usually faster when there are few terms; 2 is usually faster when there are many terms.

Things can be further complicated by additional parameters, like facet.enum.cache.minDf (http://wiki.apache.org/solr/ SimpleFacetParameters#head-3ea6fc5d1056447295c38c9675e35ce06fd95f97)


On 9/6/07, Mike Klaas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 6-Sep-07, at 3:25 PM, Mike Klaas wrote:

There are essentially two facet computation strategies:

1. cached bitsets: a bitset for each term is generated and
intersected with the query restul bitset.  This is more general and
performs well up to a few thousand terms.

2. field enumeration: cache the field contents, and generate counts
using this data.  Relatively independent of #unique terms, but
requires at most a single facet value per field per document.

So, if you factor author into Primary author/Secondary author,
where each is guaranteed to only have one value per doc, this could
greatly accelerate your faceting.  There are probably fewer unique
subjects, so strategy 1 is likely fine.

To use strategy 2, just make sure that multivalued="false" is set
for those fields in schema.xml

I forgot to mention that strategy 2 also requires a single token for
each doc (see http://wiki.apache.org/solr/


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