My experiences so far with this level of data have been good.

Number of records: Maxed out at 8.8 million
Database size: friggin huge (100+ GB)
Index size: ~24 GB

1) It took me about a day to index 8 million docs using a non-optimized
program I wrote. It's non-optimized in the sense that it's not
multi-threaded. It batched together groups of about 5,000 docs at a time
to be indexed.

2) Search times for a basic search are almost always sub-second. If we
toss in some faceting, it takes a little longer, but I've hardly ever
seen it go above 1-2 seconds even with the most advanced queries. 

Hope that helps.



-----Original Message-----
From: Law, John [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2007 9:28 AM
Subject: dataset parameters suitable for lucene application

I am new to the list and new to lucene and solr. I am considering Lucene
for a potential new application and need to know how well it scales. 

Following are the parameters of the dataset.

Number of records: 7+ million
Database size: 13.3 GB
Index Size:  10.9 GB 

My questions are simply:

1) Approximately how long would it take Lucene to index these documents?
2) What would the approximate retrieval time be (i.e. search response

Can someone provide me with some informed guidance in this regard?

Thanks in advance,

John Law
Director, Platform Management
789 Eisenhower Parkway
Ann Arbor, MI 48106

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