In Solr Relevancy FAQ if found a "solution" for boosting newer
document... However a newbie dumb ass like me can't get it to work.. :( 

I want to query solr and have it show me results by date desc. (date is
a field)

I suppose I can use the explicit sort.. but FAQ talks about boosting and
I would like to try that too. I don't know what "qf", "mm" ect. I should

This is what I tried, but didn't get "date desc" result. (I've tried
other values and leaving out attributes, but soo far.. no luck)

<requestHandler name="/test" class="solr.DisMaxRequestHandler" >
        <lst name="defaults">
                <str name="echoParams">explicit</str>
                <str name="qf">body^1 headline^1</str>
                <str name="bq">recip(rord(date),1,1000,1000)</str>
                <str name="fl">id,headline,date,score</str>

Hope someone has the time to help a newbie.. :|


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