your "master" examples work part of the time because of the 
WordDelimiterField can tell at indextime that the capital M in the middle 
of the word is a good place to split on.

without hints like that at index time, the only way to do "middle of the 
word" searches is with wildcard type queries -- which ar really 

You might want to read a it about N-Grams and consider using an 
NGramTokenizer to chunk up your input words into ngrams for easy searching 
on pieces of words.

:    My index data is :
: srinivasan,sweetheart,thomasmaster,thomasMaster.(totally 4 words)

:    Search data : vasan

:    Like that, if i search for "hear", its return nothing. The result should

:    Search data : Master or master

:    But mainly, i am unable to search a middle term in a word. I have


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