Hi Ali,

I don't think Solr has such function OOTB. One way I can think of is that
you can implement UpdateRequestProcessor. In processAdd() method of
the UpdateRequestProcessor, as you can read field values, you can calculate
the total score and copy the total score to a field e.g. total_score.
Then you can sort the query result on total_score field when you query.


(2014/09/29 4:25), Ali Nazemian wrote:
Dear all,
I was wondering how can I implement solr boosting words from specific list
of important words? I mean I want to have a list of important words and
tell solr to score documents based on the weighted sum of these words. For
example let word "school" has weight of 2 and word "president" has the
weight of 5. In this case a doc with 2 "school" words and 3 "president"
words will has the total score of 19! I want to sort documents based on
this score. How such procedure is possible in solr? Thank you very much.
Best regards.

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