That is well within the boundaries of what Solr/Lucene can handle.

But, of course, it depends on what you're doing with those fields too. Putting 200 fields into a dismax qf specification, for example, would surely be bad for performance :) But querying on only a handful of fields or less at a time - should be no problem.


On Apr 25, 2008, at 2:24 AM, Umar Shah wrote:
I am just wondering, because having 200 fields seems like too much (for
I want to know if people actually have such kind of schemas and how well
they perform.

On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 5:10 PM, Grant Ingersoll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Are you actually seeing performance problems or just wondering if there
will be a performance problem?


On Apr 24, 2008, at 7:08 AM, Umar Shah wrote:


I wanted to know what would be the performance of SOLR for the following
the documents contain say 200 fields with
say 100 of the fields (containing numbers)
and rest containing short strings of 40-50 character length.
the sparseness of the data can be assumed to be as approximately 50 fields
missing per document.

any insights?

can a default value of 0 for missing fields change the performance, how?

thanks in anticipation,

Grant Ingersoll

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