Hoss:Your are right. It has a version byte written first. This can be
used for any changes that come later..So , when we introduce any
change to the format we can rely on that. If/When we upgrade the
format we must ensure that it is backward compatible .

The format can be used by SolrJ clients as well and they can get all
the perf benefits. I shall document it in the wiki.

On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 1:44 AM, Chris Hostetter
> : This comment for the benefit of who is using distributed search:
> : The protocol of communication has been xml for distributed search. For
> : a good part of 1.3.
> : It is now changed to a custom binary format (SOLR-486 ). So each shard
> : participating in a distributed search must be using the same protocol.
> : Safest thing is to install each shard with same binaries.
> presumably the binary format includes a header with version info, so
> future enhancements to the format can be backwards compatible, correct?
> (the same way new versions of Lucene can open indexes created by older
> versions)
> it would really suck if the only way to upgrade a distributed search
> cluster in the future was to take the whole cluster offline an upgrade
> them all at once ... we want to make sure that in the future people
> upgrading from 1.3 to 1.X can bring up a new "aggregator" running
> 1.X, but pointing at all the same shards (running 1.3) and then upgrade
> the individual shards one at a time.
> (either that, or the aggregator needs to specify the max format "version"
> it can handle when querying the shards, and then the shards could be
> upgraded first)
> -Hoss

--Noble Paul

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