Sorry for taking so long. I can confirm that SOLR-8418 is fixed for me in a self-built 5.5.0 snapshot. Now the next obvious question is, any ETA for a release?


31.12.2015, 19.15, Erick Erickson kirjoitti:

Can you help with testing the patch if it's important to you? Ramkumar
is working on it...


On Wed, Dec 30, 2015 at 11:07 PM, Ere Maijala <> wrote:
Well, for us SOLR-8418 is a major issue. I haven't encountered other issues,
but that one was sort of a show-stopper.


31.12.2015, 7.27, William Bell kirjoitti:

How is SOLR 5.4.0 ? I heard there was a quick 5.4.1 coming out?

Any major issues?

Ere Maijala
Kansalliskirjasto / The National Library of Finland

Ere Maijala
Kansalliskirjasto / The National Library of Finland

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