Hi all

With Solr 5.5.0, we're trying to improve our paging performance. When
we are delivering results using infinite scrolling, cursorMark is
perfectly fine - one page is followed by the next. However, we also
offer traditional paging of results, and this is where it gets a
little tricky.

Say we have 10 results per page, and a user wants to jump from page 1
to page 20, and then wants to view page 21, there doesn't seem to be a
simple way to get the nextCursorMark. We can make an inefficient
request for page 20 (start=190, rows=10), but we cannot give that
request a cursorMark=* as it contains start=190.

Consequently, if the user clicks to page 21, we have to continue along
using start=200, as we have no cursorMark. The only way I can see to
get a cursorMark at that point is to omit the start=200, and instead
say rows=210, and ignore the first 200 results on the client side.
Obviously, this gets more and more inefficient the deeper we page - I
know that internally to Solr, using start=200&rows=10 has to do the
same work as rows=210, but less data is sent over the wire to the

As I understand it, the cursorMark is a hash of the sort values of the
last document returned, so I don't really see why it is forbidden to
specify start=190&rows=10&cursorMark=* - why is it not possible to
calculate the nextCursorMark from the last document returned?

I was also thinking a possible temporary workaround would be to
request start=190&rows=10, note the last document returned, and then
make a subsequent query for q=id:"<last doc id>"&rows=1&cursorMark=*.
This seems to work, but means an extra Solr query for no real reason.
Is there any other problem to doing this?

Is there some other simple trick I am missing that we can use to get
both the page of results we want and a nextCursorMark for the
subsequent page?



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