On Wed, Mar 23, 2016 at 3:43 PM, Robert Brown <r...@intelcompute.com> wrote:
> So I setup a new solr server to point to my existing ZK configs.
> When going to the admin UI on this new server I can see the shards/replica's
> of the existing collection, and can even query it, even tho this new server
> has no cores on it itself.
> Is this all expected behaviour?
> Is there any performance gain with what I have at this precise stage?  The
> extra server certainly makes it appear i could balance more load/requests,
> but I guess the queries are just being forwarded on to the servers with the
> actual data?
> Am I correct in thinking I can now create a new collection on this host, and
> begin to build up a new cluster?  and they won't interfere with each other
> at all?
> Also, that I'll be able to see both collections when using the admin UI
> Cloud page on any of the servers in either collection?

I'm confused slightly:

SolrCloud is a (singular) cluster of servers, storing all of its state
and configuration underneath a single zookeeper path. The cluster
contains collections. Collections are tied to a particular config set
within the cluster. Collections are made up of 1 or more shards. Each
shard is a core, and there are 1 or more replicas of each core.

You can add more servers to the cluster, and then create a new
collection with the same config as an existing collection, but it is
still part of the same cluster. Of course, you could think of a set of
servers within a cluster as a "logical" cluster if it just serves
particular collection, but "cluster" to me would be all of the servers
within the same zookeeper tree, because that is where cluster state is



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