On Tue, Apr 19, 2016 at 10:25 AM, Mark Robinson <mark123lea...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a requirement to index (mainly updation) 700 docs per second.
> Suppose I have a 128GB RAM, 32 CPU machine, with each doc size around 260
> byes (6 fields out of which only 2 will undergo updation at the above
> rate). This collection has around 122Million docs and that count is pretty
> much a constant.
> 1. Can I manage this updation rate with a non-sharded ie single Solr
> instance set up?
> 2. Also is atomic update or a full update (the whole doc) of the changed
> records the better approach in this case.
> Could some one please share their views/ experience?

Try it and see - everyone's data/schemas are different and can affect
indexing speed. It certainly sounds achievable enough - presumably you
can at least produce the documents at that rate?



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