On Wed, Oct 26, 2016 at 4:53 AM, Shawn Heisey <apa...@elyograg.org> wrote:
> On 10/25/2016 8:03 PM, Susheel Kumar wrote:
>> Agree, Pushkar.  I had docValues for sorting / faceting fields from
>> begining (since I setup Solr 6.0).  So good on that side. I am going to
>> analyze the queries to find any potential issue. Two questions which I am
>> puzzling with
>> a) Should the below JVM parameter be included for Prod to get heap dump
>> "-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/path/to/the/dump"
> A heap dump can take a very long time to complete, and there may not be
> enough memory in the machine to start another instance of Solr until the
> first one has finished the heap dump.  Also, I do not know whether Java
> would release the listening port before the heap dump finishes.  If not,
> then a new instance would not be able to start immediately.
> If a different heap dump file is created each time, that might lead to
> problems with disk space after repeated dumps.  I don't know how the
> option works.
>> b) Currently OOM script just kills the Solr instance. Shouldn't it be
>> enhanced to wait and restart Solr instance
> As long as there is a problem causing OOMs, it seems rather pointless to
> start Solr right back up, as another OOM is likely.  The safest thing to
> do is kill Solr (since its operation would be unpredictable after OOM)
> and let the admin sort the problem out.

Occasionally our cloud nodes can OOM, when particularly complex
faceting is performed. The current OOM management can be exceedingly
annoying; a user will make a too complex analysis request, bringing
down one server, taking it out of the balancer. The user gets fed up
at no response, so reloads the page, re-submitting the analysis and
bringing down the next server in the cluster.

Lather, rinse, repeat - and then you get to have a meeting to discuss
why we invest so much in HA infrastructure that can be made non-HA by
one user with a complex query. In those meetings it is much harder to
justify not restarting.



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