I’m just setting that up now. I’m far from a Solr expert so I won’t swear we’re 
doing it right though

Our issue is that we have documents, nested 3 deep.  Products, Items, and SKUs. 
 Each has an ID field that’s unique within the document type, but unfortunately 
we have products with the same ID as Items, etc.  So we created a new field 
UUID that’s a concatenation of the document type (first letter, actually) and 
the ID, which is unique.  

The program that creates the import file builds that field, as it’s my 
understanding you can’t use copyfield for the unique key field for some reason 
related to SolrCloud (sorry I don’t have the URL for where I saw that).  I 
would love to be able to copyfield them together though and have the import 
file be smaller.

On 2/3/17, 11:49 AM, "Matthias X Falkenberg" <mfalk...@de.ibm.com> wrote:

    In the Solr Wiki I stumbled upon a somewhat vague statement on the 
    >  https://wiki.apache.org/solr/SchemaXml#The_Unique_Key_Field
    >  It shouldn't matter whether you rename this to something else (and 
    change the <uniqueKey> value), but occasionally it has in the past. We 
    recommend that you just leave this definition alone. 
    I'd be very grateful for any positive or negative experiences with 
    "uniqueKey" not being set to "id" - especially if your experiences are 
    related to Solr 6.2.1+.
    Many thanks,
    Matthias Falkenberg
    IBM Deutschland Research & Development GmbH / Vorsitzende des 
    Aufsichtsrats: Martina Koederitz
    Geschäftsführung: Dirk Wittkopp
    Sitz der Gesellschaft: Böblingen / Registergericht: Amtsgericht Stuttgart, 
    HRB 243294

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