Dear All,
how should I handle the following scenario using SOLRJ? Index a collection of documents (fill fields a, b, c). Then index the same collection but this time fill fields d, e, f.

In a pseudo-code it would be: step1(collectionX); step2(collectionX); solrCommit();

See my observations below:
- first step is done by calling SolrInputDocument.addField(fieldName, value); and this works fine. - if I do the same for the second step then all fields in my documents get removed; - for that reason I need to call SolrInputDocument.addField(fieldName, Collections.singletonMap("set", value)); and then it's fine - but for some field, if I do the call from above, then the indexed values are like "{set=value}" instead of just "value".

Can somebody explain this strange behaviour to me?


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