On Wed, May 17, 2017 at 6:28 AM, Thomas Porschberg
<tho...@randspringer.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> I did not manipulating the data dir. What I did was:
> 1. Downloaded solr-6.5.1.zip
> 2. ensured no solr process is running
> 3. unzipped solr-6.5.1.zip to ~/solr_new2/solr-6.5.1
> 3. started an external zookeeper
> 4. copied a conf directory from a working non-cloudsolr (6.5.1) to
>    ~/solr_new2/solr-6.5.1 so that I have ~/solr_new2/solr-6.5.1/conf
>   (see http://randspringer.de/solrcloud_test/my.zip for content)

..in which you've manipulated the dataDir! :)

The problem (I think) is that you have set a fixed data dir, and when
Solr attempts to create a second core (for whatever reason, in your
case it looks like you are adding a shard), Solr puts it exactly where
you have told it to, in the same directory as the previous one. It
finds the lock and blows up, because each core needs to be in a
separate directory, but you've instructed Solr to put them in the same

Start with a the solrconfig from basic_configs configset that ships
with Solr and add the special things that your installation needs. I
am not massively surprised that your non cloud config does not work in
cloud mode, when we moved to SolrCloud, we rewrote from scratch
solrconfig.xml and schema.xml, starting from basic_configs and adding
anything particular that we needed from our old config, checking every
difference that we have from stock config and noting/discerning why,
and ensuring that our field types are using the same names for the
same types as basic_config wherever possible.

I only say all that because to fix this issue is a single thing, but
you should spend the time comparing configs because this will not be
the only issue. Anyway, to fix this problem, in your solrconfig.xml
you have:


It should be


Which is still in your config, you've just got it commented out :)



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