Thanks for your patience and helps.

     Recently, I acquired a batch of commits?? SHA data of Lucene, of which the 
time span is from 2010 to 2015. In order to get original info, I tried to use 
these SHA data to track commits. First, I cloned Lucene repository to my local 
host, using the cmd git clone https:// Then, I used git show [commit SHA] 
to get commits?? history record, but failed with the CMD info like this:

>> git show be5672c0c242d658b7ce36f291b74c344de925c7

>> fatal: bad object be5672c0c242d658b7ce36f291b74c344de925c7


After that, I cloned another mirror of Apache Lucene & Solr 
(, the update ended at 2014/08/30), 
and got the right record like this:

Moreover, I tried to track a commit using its title msg. However, for a same 
commit, e.g. LUCENE-5909: Fix stupid bug, I found different SHA nums from the 
two above mirror repositories 
 which confused me.

In summary, 1) did the method to generate SHA num of commit change once before? 
2) because the second mirror repository ended its update since 2014, how can I 
track the whole commits of my dataset?


Thanks so much!

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