I'm having issues with the target collection staying up-to-date with indexing 
from the source collection using CDCR.
This is what I'm getting back in terms of OPS:

    curl -s 'solr2-a:8080/solr/mycollection/cdcr?action=OPS' | jq .
      "responseHeader": {
        "status": 0,
        "QTime": 0
      "operationsPerSecond": [

The source and target collections are in separate data centers.

Doing a network test between the leader node in the source data center and the 
ZooKeeper nodes in the target data center
show decent enough network performance: ~181 Mbit/s

I've tried playing around with the "batchSize" value (128, 512, 728, 1000, 
2000, 2500) and they've haven't made much of a difference.

Any suggestions on potential settings to tune to improve the performance?



Here's some relevant log lines from the source data center's leader:

    2018-03-07 23:16:11.984 INFO  
x:mycollection_shard1_replica_n6 s:shard1 c:mycollection r:core_node9) 
[c:mycollection s:shard1 r:core_node9 x:mycollection_shard1_replica_n6] 
o.a.s.h.CdcrReplicator Forwarded 511 updates to target mycollection
    2018-03-07 23:16:23.062 INFO  
x:mycollection_shard1_replica_n6 s:shard1 c:mycollection r:core_node9) 
[c:mycollection s:shard1 r:core_node9 x:mycollection_shard1_replica_n6] 
o.a.s.h.CdcrReplicator Forwarded 510 updates to target mycollection
    2018-03-07 23:16:32.063 INFO  
x:mycollection_shard1_replica_n6 s:shard1 c:mycollection r:core_node9) 
[c:mycollection s:shard1 r:core_node9 x:mycollection_shard1_replica_n6] 
o.a.s.h.CdcrReplicator Forwarded 511 updates to target mycollection
    2018-03-07 23:16:36.209 INFO  
x:mycollection_shard1_replica_n6 s:shard1 c:mycollection r:core_node9) 
[c:mycollection s:shard1 r:core_node9 x:mycollection_shard1_replica_n6] 
o.a.s.h.CdcrReplicator Forwarded 512 updates to target mycollection
    2018-03-07 23:16:42.091 INFO  
x:mycollection_shard1_replica_n6 s:shard1 c:mycollection r:core_node9) 
[c:mycollection s:shard1 r:core_node9 x:mycollection_shard1_replica_n6] 
o.a.s.h.CdcrReplicator Forwarded 512 updates to target mycollection
    2018-03-07 23:16:46.790 INFO  
x:mycollection_shard1_replica_n6 s:shard1 c:mycollection r:core_node9) 
[c:mycollection s:shard1 r:core_node9 x:mycollection_shard1_replica_n6] 
o.a.s.h.CdcrReplicator Forwarded 511 updates to target mycollection
    2018-03-07 23:16:50.004 INFO  
x:mycollection_shard1_replica_n6 s:shard1 c:mycollection r:core_node9) 
[c:mycollection s:shard1 r:core_node9 x:mycollection_shard1_replica_n6] 
o.a.s.h.CdcrReplicator Forwarded 512 updates to target mycollection

And what the log looks like in the target:

    2018-03-07 23:18:46.475 INFO  (qtp1595212853-26) [c:mycollection s:shard1 
r:core_node2 x:mycollection_shard1_replica_n1] o.a.s.c.S.Request 
[mycollection_shard1_replica_n1]  webapp=/solr path=/update 
 status=0 QTime=0
    2018-03-07 23:18:46.500 INFO  (qtp1595212853-25) [c:mycollection s:shard1 
r:core_node2 x:mycollection_shard1_replica_n1] o.a.s.c.S.Request 
[mycollection_shard1_replica_n1]  webapp=/solr path=/update 
 status=0 QTime=0
    2018-03-07 23:18:46.525 INFO  (qtp1595212853-24) [c:mycollection s:shard1 
r:core_node2 x:mycollection_shard1_replica_n1] o.a.s.c.S.Request 
[mycollection_shard1_replica_n1]  webapp=/solr path=/update 
 status=0 QTime=0
    2018-03-07 23:18:46.550 INFO  (qtp1595212853-3793) [c:mycollection s:shard1 
r:core_node2 x:mycollection_shard1_replica_n1] o.a.s.c.S.Request 
[mycollection_shard1_replica_n1]  webapp=/solr path=/update 
 status=0 QTime=0
    2018-03-07 23:18:46.575 INFO  (qtp1595212853-30) [c:mycollection s:shard1 
r:core_node2 x:mycollection_shard1_replica_n1] o.a.s.c.S.Request 
[mycollection_shard1_replica_n1]  webapp=/solr path=/update 
 status=0 QTime=0
    2018-03-07 23:18:46.600 INFO  (qtp1595212853-26) [c:mycollection s:shard1 
r:core_node2 x:mycollection_shard1_replica_n1] o.a.s.c.S.Request 
[mycollection_shard1_replica_n1]  webapp=/solr path=/update 
 status=0 QTime=0
    2018-03-07 23:18:46.625 INFO  (qtp1595212853-25) [c:mycollection s:shard1 
r:core_node2 x:mycollection_shard1_replica_n1] o.a.s.c.S.Request 
[mycollection_shard1_replica_n1]  webapp=/solr path=/update 
 status=0 QTime=0
    2018-03-07 23:18:46.651 INFO  (qtp1595212853-24) [c:mycollection s:shard1 
r:core_node2 x:mycollection_shard1_replica_n1] o.a.s.c.S.Request 
[mycollection_shard1_replica_n1]  webapp=/solr path=/update 
 status=0 QTime=0
    2018-03-07 23:18:46.676 INFO  (qtp1595212853-3793) [c:mycollection s:shard1 
r:core_node2 x:mycollection_shard1_replica_n1] o.a.s.c.S.Request 
[mycollection_shard1_replica_n1]  webapp=/solr path=/update 
 status=0 QTime=0
    2018-03-07 23:18:46.701 INFO  (qtp1595212853-30) [c:mycollection s:shard1 
r:core_node2 x:mycollection_shard1_replica_n1] o.a.s.c.S.Request 
[mycollection_shard1_replica_n1]  webapp=/solr path=/update 
 status=0 QTime=0

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