I think you might be missing the d parameter in geofilt. I'm not sure if
geofilt actually does anything useful without it.


Sanders, Marshall (CAI - Atlanta) kirjoitti 23.7.2019 klo 21.32:
> We’re trying to index a polygon into solr and then filter/calculate geodist 
> on the polygon (ideally we actually want a circle, but it looks like that’s 
> not really supported officially by wkt/geojson and instead you have to switch 
> format=”legacy” which seems like something that might be removed in the 
> future so don’t want to rely on it).
> Here’s the info from schema:
> <field name="latlng" type="location_rpt" indexed="true" stored="true" 
> multiValued="true"/>
> <fieldType name="location_rpt" 
> class="solr.SpatialRecursivePrefixTreeFieldType"
>                    geo="true" distErrPct="0.025" maxDistErr="0.000009" 
> distanceUnits="kilometers"
>                     spatialContextFactory="Geo3D"/>
> We’ve tried indexing some different data, but to keep it as simple as 
> possible we started with a triangle (will eventually add more points to 
> approximate a circle).  Here’s an example document that we’ve added just for 
> testing:
> {
> "latlng": ["POLYGON((33.7942704 -84.4412613, 33.7100611 -84.4028091, 
> 33.7802888 -84.3279648, 33.7942704 -84.4412613))"],
> "ID": "284598223"
> }
> However, it seems like filtering/distance calculations aren’t working (at 
> least not the way we are used to doing it for points).  Here’s an example 
> query where the pt is several hundred kilometers away from the polygon, yet 
> the document still returns.  Also, it seems that regardless of origin point 
> or polygon location the calculated geodist is always 20015.115
> Example query:
> select?d=1&fl=ID,latlng,geodist()&fq=%7B!geofilt%7D&indent=on&pt=33.9798087,-94.3286133&q=*:*&sfield=latlng&wt=json
> Example documents coming back anyway:
> "docs": [
> {
> "latlng": ["POLYGON((33.7942704 -84.4412613, 33.7100611 -84.4028091, 
> 33.7802888 -84.3279648, 33.7942704 -84.4412613))"],
> "ID": "284598223",
> "geodist()": 20015.115
> },
> {
> "latlng": ["POLYGON((33.7942704 -84.4412613, 33.7100611 -84.4028091, 
> 33.7802888 -84.3279648, 33.7942704 -84.4412613))"],
> "ID": "284600596",
> "geodist()": 20015.115
> }
> ]
> Anyone who has experience in this area can you point us in the right 
> direction about what we’re doing incorrectly with either how we are indexing 
> the data and/or how we are querying against the polygons.
> Thank you,
> --
> Marshall Sanders
> Principal Software Engineer
> Autotrader.com
> marshall.sande...@coxautoinc.com<mailto:marshall.sande...@coxautoinc.com>

Ere Maijala
Kansalliskirjasto / The National Library of Finland

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