On 6/24/2020 1:59 PM, Peter van de Kerk wrote:
So I copied files from C:\solr-8.5.2\dist to C:\solr-8.5.2\server\lib

But then I get error

Error Instantiating requestHandler, 
org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport.DataImportHandler failed to instantiate 

All of the errors will be MUCH longer than what you have included here, and we need that detail to diagnose anything. If you are seeing these in the admin UI "logging" tab, you can click on the little "i" icon to expand them. But be aware that you'll have to read/copy the expanded data very quickly - the admin UI will quickly close the expansion. It's much better to go to the actual logfile than use the admin UI.

There are better locations than server/lib for jars, but I don't think that's causing the problem. You should definitely NOT copy ALL of the jars in the dist directory -- this places an additional copy of the main Solr jars on the classpath, and having the same jar accessible from two places is a VERY bad thing for Java software. It causes some really weird problems, and I can see this issue being a result of that. For most DIH uses, you only need the "solr-dataimporthandler-X.Y.Z.jar" file. For some DIH use cases (but not most of them) you might also need the extras jar.


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