On 10/1/2020 4:24 AM, Nussbaum, Ronen wrote:
We are using the Luke API in order to get all dynamic field names from our 

This worked fine in 6.2.1 but it's non deterministic anymore (8.6.1) - looks 
like it queries a random single shard.

I've tried using /solr/collection/select?q=*:*&wt=csv&rows=0&facet but it 
behaves the same.

Can it be configured to query all shards?
Is there another way to achieve this?

The Luke handler (usually at /admin/luke) is not SolrCloud aware. It is designed to operate on a single core. So if you send the request to the collection and not a specific core, Solr must forward the request to a core in order for you to get ANY result. The core selection will be random.

The software called Luke (which is where the Luke handler gets its name) operates on a Lucene index -- each Solr core is based around a Lucene index. It would be a LOT of work to make the handler SolrCloud aware.

Depending on how your collection is set up, you may need to query the Luke handler on multiple cores in order to get a full picture of all fields present in the Lucene indexes. I am not aware of any other way to do it.


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