On 10/20/2020 1:53 AM, Cox, Owen wrote:
I've now written a Java Spring-Boot program to populate documents (snippet below) using SolrCrudRepository.  
This works when I don't index the "title" field, but when I try include title I get the following 
error "cannot change field "title" from index options=DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS to 
inconsistent index options=DOCS"

I have no idea at all what a SolrCrudRepository is. That must be part of Spring's repackaging of SolrJ. It's probably not important anyway.

Some schema changes require more than a simple reindex. For those changes, you must entirely delete the index directory, so that the Lucene index can be built from scratch.

That error message indicates that such a change has been made to the schema, and the existing index was NOT deleted before trying to index new docs.


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