I recommend building an outboard loader, like I did a dozen years ago for
Solr 1.3 (before DIH) and did again recently. I’m glad to send you my Python
program, though it reads from a JSONL file, not a database.

Run a loop fetching records from a database. Put each record into a synchronized
(thread-safe) queue. Run multiple worker threads, each pulling records from the
queue, batching them up, and sending them to Solr. For maximum indexing speed
(at the expense of query performance), count the number of CPUs per shard leader
and run two worker threads per CPU.

Adjust the batch size to be maybe 10k to 50k bytes. That might be 20 to 1000 
documents, depending on the content.

With this setup, your database will probably be your bottleneck. I’ve had this
index a million (small) documents per minute to a multi-shard cluster, from a 
file on local disk.

Also, don’t worry about finding the leaders and sending the right document to
the right shard. I just throw the batches at the load balancer and let Solr 
it out. That is super simple and amazingly fast.

If you are doing big batches, building a dumb ETL system with JSONL files in 
Amazon S3 has some real advantages. It allows loading prod data into a test
cluster for load benchmarks, for example. Also good for disaster recovery, just
load the recent batches from S3. Want to know exactly which documents were
in the index in October? Look at the batches in S3.

Walter Underwood
http://observer.wunderwood.org/  (my blog)

> On Nov 28, 2020, at 6:23 PM, matthew sporleder <msporle...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I went through the same stages of grief that you are about to start
> but (luckily?) my core dataset grew some weird cousins and we ended up
> writing our own indexer to join them all together/do partial
> updates/other stuff beyond DIH.  It's not difficult to upload docs but
> is definitely slower so far.  I think there is a bit of a 'clean core'
> focus going on in solr-land right now and DIH is easy(!) but it's also
> easy to hit its limits (atomic/partial updates?  wtf is an "entity?"
> etc) so anyway try to be happy that you are aware of it now.
> On Sat, Nov 28, 2020 at 7:41 PM Dmitri Maziuk <dmitri.maz...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 11/28/2020 5:48 PM, matthew sporleder wrote:
>>> ...  The bottom of
>>> that github page isn't hopeful however :)
>> Yeah, "works with MariaDB" is a particularly bad way of saying "BYO JDBC
>> JAR" :)
>> It's a more general queston though, what is the path forward for users
>> who with data in two places? Hope that a community-maintained plugin
>> will still be there tomorrow? Dump our tables to CSV (and POST them) and
>> roll our own delta-updates logic? Or are we to choose one datastore and
>> drop the other?
>> Dima

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