Hello Bernd,

This is normal for NRT replicas, because the way segments are merged and
deletes are removed is not synchronized between replicas. In that case
counts for TF and IDF and norms become slightly different.

You can either use ExactStatsCache that fetches counts for terms before
scoring, so that all replica's use the same counts. Or change the replica
types to TLOG. With TLOG segments are fetched from the leader and thus


Op wo 13 jan. 2021 om 14:45 schreef Bernd Fehling <

> Hello list,
> a question for better understanding scoring of a shard in a cloud.
> I see different scores from different replicas of the same shard.
> Is this normal and if yes, why?
> My understanding until now was that replicas are always the same within a
> shard
> and the same query to each replica within a shard gives always the same
> score.
> Can someone help me to understand this?
> Regards
> Bernd

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