On Tue, 18 Nov 2008 14:26:02 +0100
"Aleksander M. Stensby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Well, then I suggest you index the field in two different ways if you want  
> both possible ways of searching. One, where you treat the entire name as  
> one token (in lowercase) (then you can search for avera* and match on for  
> instance "average joe" etc.) And then another field where you tokenize on  
> whitespace for instance, if you want/need that possibility aswell. Look at  
> the solr copy fields and try it out, it works like a charm :)

You should also make extensive use of  analysis.jsp  to see how data in your
field (1) is tokenized, filtered and indexed, and how your search terms are
tokenized, filtered and matched against (1). 
Hint 1 : check all the checkboxes ;)
Hint 2: you don't need to reindex all your data, just enter test data in the
form and give it a go. You will of course have to tweak schema.xml and restart
your service when you do this.

good luck,
{Beto|Norberto|Numard} Meijome

"Intellectual: 'Someone who has been educated beyond his/her intelligence'"
   Arthur C. Clarke, from "3001, The Final Odyssey", Sources.

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