
 I was using CommonsHttpSolrServer for indexing, but having two
threads writing (10K batches) at the same time was throwing,

  "ProtocolException: Unbuffered entity enclosing request can not be repeated. "

I switched to StreamingUpdateSolrServer (using addBeans) and I don't
see the problem anymore. The speed is very fast - getting around
25k/sec (single thread), but I'm facing another problem. When the
indexer using StreamingUpdateSolrServer is running I'm not able to
send any url request from browser to Solr web app. I just get blank
page. I can't even get to the admin interface. I'm also not able to
shutdown the Tomcat running the Solr webapp when the Indexer is
running. I've to first stop the Indexer app and then stop the Tomcat.
I don't have this problem when using CommonsHttpSolrServer.

Here is how I'm creating it,

server = new StreamingUpdateSolrServer(url, 1000,3);

I simply call server.addBeans(...) on it. Is there anything else I
need to do to make use of StreamingUpdateSolrServer? Why does Tomcat
become unresponsive  when Indexer using StreamingUpdateSolrServer is
running (though, indexing happens fine)?


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