The elevate.xml is loaded from conf dir when the core is reloaded . if
you post the new xml you will have to reload the core.

A simple solution would be to write a RequestHandler which extends
QueryElevationComponent which can be a listener for commit and call an
super.inform() on that event

On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 5:18 PM, Nicolas Pastorino <> wrote:
> Hello !
> Browsing the mailing-list's archives did not help me find the answer, hence
> the question asked directly here.
> Some context first :
> Integrating Solr with a CMS ( eZ Publish ), we chose to support Elevation.
> The idea is to be able to 'elevate' any object from the CMS. This can be
> achieved through eZ Publish's back office, with a dedicated Elevate
> administration GUI, the configuration is stored in the CMS temporarily, and
> then synchronized frequently and/or on demand onto Solr. This
> synchronisation is currently done as follows :
> 1. Generate the elevate.xml based on the stored configuration
> 2. Replace elevate.xml in Solr's dataDir
> 3. Commit. It appears that when having elevate.xml in Solr's dataDir, and
> solely in this case, commiting triggers a reload of elevate.xml. This does
> not happen when elevate.xml is stored in Solr's conf dir.
> This method has one main issue though : eZ Publish needs to have access to
> the same filesystem as the one on which Solr's dataDir is stored. This is
> not always the case when the CMS is clustered for instance --> show stopper
> :(
> Hence the following idea / RFC :
> How about extending the Query Elevation system with the possibility to push
> an updated elevate.xml file/XML through HTTP ?
> This would update the file where it is actually located, and trigger a
> reload of the configuration.
> Not being very knowledgeable about Solr's API ( yet ! ), i cannot figure out
> whether this would be possible, how this would be achievable ( which type of
> plugin for instance ) or even be valid ?
> Thanks a lot in advance for your thoughts,
> --
> Nicolas

Noble Paul | Principal Engineer| AOL |

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